This patient had a full removable denture on her upper teeth. Over many years, it had become worn and had discolored. Her denture teeth became shorter as were slowly ground down. This made the corners of her lips start to droop. Her drooping lips made a big difference in her facial shape and made her seem older than she really was.
To bring back her youthful look, we started with some old pictures she brought in to show what her smile used to look like. From those pictures, Dr. Dahman was able to model the design of her new dentures after her original teeth shape and alignment.
Dr. Dahman made a properly designed denture, restoring the correct height and size of her teeth. The result of her new denture had much the same effect as a face lift. The improvement in her smile is very visible, but the change in facial proportions, lips and in the shape of her mouth deliver the most striking change.

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