We are once again accepting appointments for hygiene, and general, restorative, cosmetic and implant dental services.
The COVID-19 outbreak has been extremely difficult on us all. It has fundamentally impacted each of our lives and will undoubtedly change how we approach each day. I want you to know that you can continue to count on us to advocate for you, your safety and your dental health. We will continue to work hard to protect you and ensure a safe path forward for you, your family, and our community.
We have put into place a COVID-19 preparedness and safety plan incorporating guidance from Virginia Department of Health, Center for Disease Control, American Dental Association, as well as Occupational Health and Safety Administration.
Here are some highlights of what we are doing to keep you safe while you maintain your oral health:
• We are maintaining social distancing guidelines. Our office has 4 staff members at a time and sees 1-2 patients in the facility at a time. We implemented a No-Waiting-Room protocol so no 2 patients will be in the same room at the same time.
• We are screening all patients and staff daily for COVID-19 symptoms. Our staff will not be coming in if an infection is suspected, and we will not be providing dental care for patients suspected of COVID-19.
• For each and every patient, we are using the same level of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) used by hospital personnel caring for COVID-19 patients. That is an N95 mask, Face shield, Disposable full body gown, cap and gloves. Despite the high cost, our PPE gets changed regularly in-between patients.
• We are implementing engineering controls to reduce/minimize aerosol generation during our procedures and to maximize its recapture.
• We use a hospital-grade disinfectants to prepare the office for EACH patient. Our disinfectants work faster than any general use disinfectant. It kills pathogens and viruses on contact in less than 30 seconds. These are used on all office and room surfaces.
• We utilize complete sterilization protocols for all instruments that contact patients. Instruments are packaged in sealed packets, fully sterilized with heat and pressure, and remain in sealed packets till they are used. Our sterilization process gets checked daily with indicators and weekly with lab spore testing to insure its effectiveness.
Thank you for your continued trust. Together, we are one community.
-Dr. Mo Dahman & Staff